Jūsu grozs

Cornilleau Hugo Calderano Foco Off-

Cornilleau Hugo Calderano Foco Off-
Cornilleau Hugo Calderano Foco Off-
Cornilleau Hugo Calderano Foco Off-
Cornilleau Hugo Calderano Foco Off-
Cornilleau Hugo Calderano Foco Off-

Designed for a fast game with a strong emphasis on offensive play where taking the initiative is the absolute priority, the HC FOCO OFF+ blade will immediately win over the player who works close to the table, playing the ball very early. Featuring a fairly thick Kiri core, the player will also feel at ease with mid-distance shots, when more sweeping gestures are called for and power is crucial, especially with the new plastic balls. It’s the blade used by Hugo Calderano!

Type: Blade
Strategy: OFF-
Weight: 85g
Plywood: 5 (1 and 5 – fineline, 2 and 4 – ayous, middle– kiri)
Thickness: 6,2 mm
Handle: flared

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Bez nodokļa: 32,23€
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